How we monitor food safety
We work with food businesses across Adur and Worthing to monitor food safety, ensuring that the storage, preparation, manufacture and sale of food for the public is free from the risk of food poisoning and meets all food safety requirements.
To support this, we do the following:
- inspect food businesses
- investigate complaints regarding food and food premises
- take food samples for analysis
- advise businesses on good food hygiene practices
Routine food hygiene inspections
Businesses are inspected on a regular basis. We carry out over 600 food hygiene inspections a year across Adur and Worthing, as well as follow-up visits to premises that do not meet the required standards.
Inspections are largely unannounced and the frequency of inspection is determined by the risk to food safety the business activity poses.
Criteria for assessing the risk is set out in a Food Standards Agency (FSA) Code of Practice, but factors that determine the risk rating include:
- the type of food manufactured or sold
- the scale of distribution
- the vulnerability of the consumer
- conditions found on the premises
- confidence in the management to provide a safe place to eat
For more information about how the food hygiene rating scheme works, please see:
Revisits to check for compliance
During a food hygiene inspection the Food Business Operator will be advised of any contraventions found or any recommendations to improve food safety. They will be given a chance to put things right and a timescale in which to do it.
Investigation of complaints
We will investigate if we receive complaints of foreign bodies found in food or of dirty, un-hygienic premises. We will also investigate complaints of food sold beyond its use-by date.
Food sampling examination and analysis
Sampling can show evidence of contamination and the bacteria which can cause food poisoning. We regularly take samples of foodstuffs from premises. It may be as part of our routine local sampling programme or a national initiative, or in the course of investigating a complaint or food poisoning outbreak.
You can read our Food Sampling Policy below:
Official Food Controls and Health & Safety Service Delivery Plans for businesses
You can read our plans below:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Public Health & Regulation
Page last updated: 19 August 2024