Business Rates: Supporting Small Business Relief
You can get Supporting Small Business Relief from 1st April 2023 if all the following apply:
- your Business Rates bill is going up as the result of the April 2023 revaluation
- you'll lose some or all of your Small Business Rates Relief or Rural Rate Relief
- your property is occupied
If you're eligible, your bill for 2023/24 will increase by no more than £600 compared to your bill for 2022/23, subject to the UK's international subsidy control regulations that began on 4th January 2023.
The Subsidy Control Act allows an 'economic actor' (ie a holding company and its subsidiaries) to receive up to £315,000 in a three-year period (consisting of 2023/24 and the two previous years). COVID-19 business grants count towards this allowance.
The calculation is made after Transitional Relief has been awarded. Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that are already entitled to 80% mandatory relief are not entitled to Supporting Small Business Relief.
We weren't able to include this new relief in the 2023/24 bills that were issued during March 2023 but if you are eligible your bill will be adjusted very soon.
You don't need to apply for Supporting Small Business Relief. If you're eligible we will adjust your bill automatically. The award will be detailed on your bill.
For further information see:
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Adur Business Rates
Worthing Business Rates
Page last updated: 17 March 2023