Business Rates: Rural Rate Relief
You could get Rural Rate Relief if your business is in a rural area with a population below 3,000.
To be eligible your business must be occupied, and either:
- the only village shop or post office, with a Rateable Value of up to £8,500
- the only public house or petrol station, with a Rateable Value of up to £12,500
You can apply for up to 50% rate relief, and we can award further discretionary relief on the remaining 50% of your bill.
Other businesses in a qualifying rural area with a Rateable Value of up to £16,500 can also apply for discretionary relief. Relief can be awarded to businesses with a purpose that benefits the local community, at the Council’s discretion.
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Adur Business Rates
Worthing Business Rates
Page last updated: 03 February 2021