Please note: The Adur Local Plan 2017 was adopted on 14th December 2017 and supersedes the previous Adur District Local Plan 1996.
Go to the current Adur Local Plan 2017
Adur Local Plan Submission 2016
This page contains the documents relating to the Adur Local Plan Submission 2016
You may have been looking for the documents relating to the:
Formal Notice of Submission
Adur District Council submitted the Adur Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 20th October 2016 for independent examination.
The submitted documents are as follows:
CD07-01 Submission Adur Local Plan 2016 (16,665KB)
CD07-01A Housing Provision 2011-2032 - Update of housing figures in paragraphs 2.12-2.25 and Policy 3 (98KB)
CD07-02 Sustainability Appraisal Submission - October 2016 (6,451KB)
CD07-02A Sustainability Appraisal Technical Appendices - October 2016 (1,885KB)
CD07-02B Sustainability Appraisal Report 2016 Non-Technical Summary (508KB)
CD07-03 Proposed Major Mods Sustainability Appraisal addendum (339KB)
CD07-04 Major Modifications Proposed (324KB)
CD07-04A - Proposed Major Modifications Update (January 2017) (185KB)
CD07-05 Minor Modifications Proposed (330KB)
CD07-06 Submission Equalities and Health Impact Assessment - addendum (193KB)
CD07-07 Sustainability Appraisal Schedule of Changes - October 2016 (294KB)
CD07-08 PAS Legal Compliance Checklist - October 2016 (2,020KB)
CD07-09 PAS Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist (754KB)
CD07-10 Submission Statement of Consultation - October 2016 (1,064KB)
CD07-11 Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda (564KB)
CD07-11A Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes (276KB)
CD07-12 ALP policy evidence SA checklist - October 2016 (160KB)
CD07-13 Employment Topic Paper (354KB)
CD07-14 Local Green Gaps Topic Paper (473KB)
CD07-15 Flood Risk Topic Paper - October 2016 (721KB)
CD07-16 Housing Approach Topic Paper 2016 (885KB)
CD07-17 Shoreham Harbour Topic Paper (677KB)
CD07-18 Adur Duty to Cooperate Statement - October 2016 (1,925KB)
Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Adur District Council (2016) (CD07-19 Adur Submission IDP 2016) (1,307KB)
- CD07-20 - see other documents list below
CD07-21 Clarification of differences between the Adur LP 1996 Proposals Map & the Submission Adur LP 2016 Policies Map (76KB)
- CD07-22 - see other documents list below
- CD07-23 - see other documents list below
CD07-23A - Addendum: tables 7&8 corrections (5 year housing land supply - Objectively Assessed Need Housing Need Target (191KB)
- CD07-24 - see other documents list below
Other documents (listed numerically):
See also:
- Representations received in response to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014- these are available on the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014 - Responses page
- Representations received in response to Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) - these are available on the Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) page
Core Documents List
This lists documents, including studies, which have been referred to in, or informed, the Adur Local Plan, and provides links to these:
Next steps
The Local Plan will now be subject to an independent examination which will be conducted by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State. A series of public examination hearings will take place and those invited to attend by the Planning Inspector will have the opportunity to respond to matters raised by the Inspector.
Once the dates of the public examination hearings are confirmed, details will be made available on this website.
A Programme Officer has been appointed to assist the Planning Inspector. All future correspondence relating to the public examination hearings should be via the Programme Officer, using the following contact details:
- Mr Chris Banks, Programme Officer
Tel: 07817 322 750
Location of documents for inspection
Copies of the first 10 documents referred to above are available at the following locations for inspection. (Other submission documents can be made available for inspection at these locations on request).
- Shoreham Centre, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5WU
- Mondays to Fridays: 9am to 5pm - Shoreham Library, St Mary's Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5ZA
- Mondays: 10am to 7pm
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 10am to 6pm
- Fridays: 10am to 5pm
- Saturdays: 10am to 4pm - Lancing Library, Penstone Park, Lancing, BN15 9DL
- Mondays to Fridays: 10am to 6pm
- Saturdays: 10am to 4pm - Southwick Library, Southdown Road, Southwick, BN42 4FT
- Mondays to Fridays: 10am to 5pm
- Saturdays: 10am to 2pm
Reference copies have been placed at:
- Sompting Parish Council, Harriet Johnson Centre, Old School House, Loose Lane, Lancing, BN15 0BG
- Lancing Parish Council, Parish Hall, South Street, Lancing, BN15 8AJ
For other information please contact:
- or telephone: 01273 263000 and ask for the Adur Planning Policy Team
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Planning Policy - Adur Local Plan 2016
Planning Policy - Adur general queries
Page last updated: 16 December 2022