Please note: The Adur Local Plan 2017 was adopted on 14th December 2017 and supersedes the previous Adur District Local Plan 1996.
Go to the current Adur Local Plan 2017
Adur Local Plan Main Modifications
Main Modifications Consultation (now ended)
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
The Adur Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination on 20th October 2016. The Examination Hearing sessions took place from 31st January to 8th February 2017. The Inspector wrote to the Council to recommend Main Modifications. The Inspector's letter may be found at:
The Inspector invited comments on the post-submission Main Modifications to the Submission Adur Local Plan. (Main Modifications are those which the Inspector considers are necessary to make the plan sound/ legally compliant. Main Modifications are proposed without prejudice to the Inspector's final conclusion on the Local Plan which will take account of all representations submitted in response to this consultation).
The Main Modifications were consulted on from 15th June to midnight 26th July 2017.
At the same time, the Council also invited comments on the accompanying Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal of the Adur Local Plan - Proposed Main Modifications (2017). A Schedule of Minor Modifications (which are minor changes to the Plan which do not affect soundness) was also made available
Main Modifications and Sustainability Appraisal Addendum
It has come to our attention that there was a small typographical error contained in the text of MM21 in the 'Adur Local Plan Main Modifications - June 2017' as originally published. This was corrected on 22nd June 2017 and the document has been republished below as 'Adur Local Plan Main Modifications - June 2017 (Revision 1)'. Full details of the change is included as an 'erratum' on page 2 of the document.
The Proposed Main Modifications and Sustainability Appraisal Addendum can be viewed here:
Adur Local Plan Main Modifications - June 2017 (Revision 1) (1,019KB)
Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the Adur Local Plan (1,343KB)
Minor Modifications
Please note that these are for information only:
Summary of Representations Received, and Council's responses
A summary of representations to the Main Modifications consultation, and the Council’s response to these, may be found below:
Main Modifications consultation - representations received
Adur Floodwatch Group:
Albermarle Shoreham Airport:
18A Albermarle publication (237KB)
18B Albermarle publication (236KB)
18C Albermarle publication (236KB)
18D Albermarle publication (237KB)
Arun District Council:
Chris Foss Designs:
ECE Planning:
Environment Agency:
Highways England:
Historic England:
Home Builders Federation:
Lancing College:
06A Lancing College publication (817KB)
06B Lancing College Estate Plan (317KB)
06C Lancing College Policy 4 publication (466KB)
06D Lancing College Policy 5 publication (366KB)
06E Lancing College Policy 7 publication (443KB)
06F Lancing College Policy 13 publication (341KB)
06G Lancing College Policy 35 publication (323KB)
Michael Hubbard:
Ministry of Defence:
Natural England:
New Monks Farm:
19 NMF MM4 publication (238KB)
19B NMFD MM6 publication (237KB)
19C New Monks Farm publication (237KB)
19D New Monks Farm publication (238KB)
South Downs National Park Authority:
03 SDNPA letter on Adur Major Mods 27-06-17 publication (169KB)
03 SDNPA pro forma on Adur Main Mods 27-06-17 publication (296KB)
Southern Water:
Sport England:
Sussex Wildlife Trust:
11A Sussex Wildlife Trust publication (176KB)
11B Sussex Wildlife Trust publication (221KB)
11C Sussex Wildlife Trust publication (229KB)
11D Sussex Wildlife Trust publication (213KB)
11E Sussex Wildlife Trust publication (220KB)
11F Sussex Wildlife Trust publication (221KB)
11G Sussex Wildlife Trust publication (204KB)
West Sussex County Council:
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Page last updated: 19 May 2020