Adur Local Plan update
Adur Local Plan update
The adopted Adur Local Plan contains a commitment to review within five years, and the Government now requires local authorities to have up-to-date plans in place in due course. As such, an update of the Local Plan will be undertaken to ensure it remains relevant and addresses Adur's needs for development and infrastructure.
A Local Plan sets out our strategic planning strategy. It shows how we aim to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of the area.
The timetable for the Local Plan update may be found in the latest Local Development Scheme (see below).
If you would like to be kept informed on progress with the local plan, and receive the Adur Planning Policy Newsletter, please send your contact details to:
You can read our latest newsletter below:
How is a Local Plan made?
Below is a short description of each stage in the Local Plan making process for each local authority.
1. Evidence gathering
We prepare the preferred strategy by gathering evidence on the following topics:
- Housing needs
- Employment needs
- Gypsy & Traveller needs
- Infrastructure Delivery
- Transport Assessment
- Landscape Capacity
- Site Assessment
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic Viability Assessment
- Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA)
2. Developing a draft Plan (Regulation 18)
Public and stakeholder consultation participation in preparation of Development Plan Documents. This is often referred to as 'Issues and Options' consultation. Remember, the only way we will know what you think is if you tell us your views during periods of consultation.
3. Proposed Submission (Regulation 19 and 20)
This is when we publish the draft planning document and give the opportunity for stakeholders to make formal representations. Under Regulation 20, consultation is six weeks.
Once we have a draft Local Plan in place we intend to share it with as many of you as possible.
4. Submission to Secretary of State (Regulation 22)
The 'Proposed Strategy' documents and the formal representations are formally sent to the Secretary of State - The Planning Inspectorate or 'PINs'
5. Examination (Regulation 23 to 25)
An independent Examiner is appointed by the Planning Inspectorate to test the plan.
6. Adoption (Regulation 26)
If the plan is successful at Examination it can be formally adopted by the council and used to determine planning applications.
Government plans for new Local Plans
The Government has recently consulted on proposed changes to the Local Plan making process, including simplifying the role of Local Plans. Until further notice, local authorities continue to operate under the current system in producing their Local Plans.
Adur Local Development Scheme (LDS)
The Adur Local Development Scheme (LDS) addresses the review of the Adur Local Plan as well as Supplementary Planning Documents which will provide further detail on specific policy issues:
This will be updated in due course.
Please contact the Planning Policy Team for further information.
Introduction to the Adur Local Development Framework
A Local Development Framework (LDF) is a collection of documents that collectively deliver the spatial planning strategy for an area and sets out the council's planning policies for meeting the community's economic, environmental and social needs where this affects the development and use of land.
The LDF will:
- Ensure that the right amount of development takes place in the right locations, including that needed for housing development.
- Co-ordinate the necessary social, physical and green infrastructure to ensure the delivery of sustainable communities.
- Support economic growth and regeneration.
- Safeguard the area's environmental assets and enhance them where possible.
The LDF consists of the following parts:
- The Local Development Scheme (Adur): This document sets out the overall timetable for the production of the various documents which make up the LDF. See:
- The Joint Statement of Community Involvement (Adur): This document sets out how the council will involve the community during the production of the LDF and planning applications. See:
- Local Development Documents (LDDs): For Adur, this consists of the:
- Adur Local Plan (2017)
- Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP)
- The LDS also sets out the timetable for the preparation of several Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
- Background studies and Information: Background documents and studies have been published that inform and underpin the preparation of the Local Development Framework. Collectively, these documents are called the evidence base. They present information on key aspects of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the Local Plan area. New evidence is being prepared to support the update of the Adur Local Plan and will be published in due course. See:
- Annual Monitoring Report (Adur): An annual report setting out the performance of policies based on a variety of indicators. It also measures the progress of documents set out in the Local Development Scheme. See:
- A Sustainability Appraisal /Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA): The policies and proposals contained in the LDF must be appraised to ensure that they contribute to the aims of sustainable development. The SA/SEA document sets out the results of this appraisal.
- Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance (Adur): These documents provide more detail to support policies established within Local Development Documents. This link sets out adopted guidance and also summarises work being undertaken to progress new and revised documents. See:
For more information on the LDF please contact the Planning Policy Team.
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Planning Policy
Page last updated: 26 November 2024