Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD), Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), and Design Bulletins (Adur)
See also:
Supplementary Planning Guidance: Sustainable Energy
Following a review and public consultation exercise, Adur District Council adopted on 14th August 2024 a revised Sustainable Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The Council adopted a Sustainable Energy Supplementary Planning Document in 2019 that was designed to provide guidance to developers on meeting the energy policies in the local plans and reducing energy demand for future planning applications.
Due to changes in national Building Regulations and Shoreham Heat Network no longer being progressed by the Council, parts of this SPD needed to be updated. The Council has produced a revised SPD that will provide guidance to developers on how to reduce energy demand, increase energy efficiency, and deliver onsite renewable energy generation, such as solar power, air or ground source heat pumps.
A key aim of the adopted Adur Local Plan (2017) is to:
- make progress towards a low carbon, sustainable community through:
- sustainable construction
- energy efficiency
- use of renewable energy
- and to make a significant contribution to low and zero carbon energy production
The SPD aims to clarify existing policies in the Adur Local Plan (2017) and Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP).
It presents clear guidance on how applicants can comply with policy and submit information to Adur District Council in a way which can easily be assessed by planning officers.
The SPD describes the various different renewable energy technologies and how they can be applied to developments. It clarifies the different energy requirements for the different plan areas in Adur (the Shoreham Harbour JAAP area and the remaining area in Adur). It also describes how an energy statement can be developed and what this should cover.
The Sustainable Energy SPD will apply to:
- new major residential and non-residential developments proposed in the Adur Local Plan area
- new major and non-major residential and non-residential development proposals (excluding household applications) within the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Area
However, this SPD encourages all developments to submit energy statements to demonstrate how they are delivering clean, smart sustainable, development, in the spirit of the wider sustainability objectives of the Plans. Note: the energy statement is currently being updated to reflect the updated SPD; this will be published in due course.
Details of the public consultation process can be found in the Statement of Consultation below:
Supplementary Planning Guidance - Sustainable Energy (August 2024) (831KB)
Statement of Consultation - Supplementary Planning Guidance - Sustainable Energy (August 2024) (82KB)
Adoption Statement - Supplementary Planning Guidance - Sustainable Energy (August 2024) (98KB)
You can download the Energy Statement Template referred to in the Sustainable Energy SPD as a Word document below:
Adur Planning and Climate Change Checklist
The Adur checklist sets out the policy requirements in relation to climate change in one place to clearly indicate for which developments and in which locations they apply. It is therefore recommended that developers refer to this when preparing applications.
The checklist also highlights and encourages developments to meet additional elements. The impact of setting any future requirements, including on viability, will be assessed as part of the Adur Local Plan Review.
Guidance Note on Intertidal Habitats
Adur District Council has prepared a guidance note for developments that have the potential to have significant impacts on intertidal habitats. This has been prepared in collaboration with the Environment Agency, Natural England and Sussex Wildlife Trust. It sets out a hierarchical approach of avoid-mitigate-compensate which should be adopted for all development in the vicinity of these habitats.
Supplementary Planning Document: Demonstrating Genuine Redundancy of Employment Sites
A key aim of the adopted Adur Local Plan (2017) is to ensure that the local economy continues to grow. This requires a variety of good quality land and premises provided in the right place and supported with the right infrastructure. This is a significant challenge as land supply is heavily constrained and competition for available sites increases, particularly given the national drive to significantly increase housing delivery. The Plan aims to address this necessary economic growth through the allocation of new employment sites, and the protection of existing ones.
However, at the same time the Council recognises the need for flexibility, and that in some, limited circumstances, there may be a genuine case for loss of part of an existing employment site to another use. This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) supports, and expands on Policy 25 of the Adur Local Plan 2017. It provides clarity on the circumstances where change of use or redevelopment to alternative uses may be appropriate and the criteria which would have to be satisfied in order to obtain planning permission for these alternative uses. It also seeks to ensure that the loss of any existing employment site (land or premises) is not at the expense of the local economy.
This SPD has been prepared to help people, particularly prospective applicants, to better understand the intentions of the policy; the steps they will need to go through, and the information they will need to supply to support any planning application which would result in loss of employment floorspace.
Details of the public consultation process can be found in the Statement of Consultation below:
Supplementary Planning Document: Demonstrating Genuine Redundancy of Employment Sites (850KB)
Statement of Consultation - Supplementary Planning Document - Demonstrating Genuine Redundancy of Employment Sites (280KB)
Adoption Statement - Supplementary Planning Document - Demonstrating Genuine Redundancy of Employment Sites (117KB)
Shoreham Harbour Flood Risk Management Guide SPD
The Flood Risk Management Guide Supplementary Planning Guidance was adopted by Adur District Council in October 2015 to provide guidance for developers and decision makers on the design of new flood defence infrastructure at Shoreham Harbour.
Until the Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) for Shoreham Harbour is adopted, the Flood Risk Management Guide will make clear what would be expected from developers of sites identified in the JAAP. This is of particular importance to the Western Harbour Arm where flood risk is greatest.
Shoreham Harbour - Flood Risk Management Guide (6,962KB)
Shoreham Harbour - Flood Risk Management Guide - Technical Annex (12,938KB)
Shoreham Harbour - Flood Risk Assessment SPD Adoption Statement (30KB)
Shoreham Harbour - Flood Risk Management Guide - Consultation Statement (769KB)
See also:
Good practice guide - Houseboats
The houseboats of Shoreham are part of the town's varied character providing a unique type of housing. It is important to ensure that the natural environment of this part of the river is conserved and enhanced and that there is no negative impact on the appearance of the area and or on the amenity of the houseboat residents.
This Good Practice Guide has been produced to advise houseboat owners on the type of development and changes which are appropriate to the houseboats and those which are not taking account of the need to protect and enhance the river environment whilst respecting the unique characteristics of the houseboat community. It also provides useful advice and information on nature conservation, land drainage, flood risk management and useful links to advice provided by other relevant agencies.
See also:
Environment Agency Guidance
The Environment Agency are keen to help ensure that new development is as sustainable as possible and will therefore appreciate the opportunity to comment on your development proposals at an early stage.
The Environment Agency's guide for developers is designed to give practical advice on the environmental issues that may affect the site and provides some examples of sites where good practice has already been applied. Some of the topics covered in the guide include, managing the risk of flooding, using water wisely, wildlife and green space, managing waste and land affected by contamination. You can find this guide and links to further information below:
Flood Risk Standing Advice (FRSA)
The Flood risk assessment: local planning authorities - on the GOV.UK website.
Development Control Standards - Space around dwellings and flats
Development Control Standards - Extensions and alterations to dwellings
Adur Interim Affordable Housing Position Statement
Local housing evidence has identified that there is an acute affordable housing need in Adur. As such, a mix of affordable housing, will be sought to meet local needs on all but the smallest sites.
The Adur Local Plan 2017 states that in Adur, on sites of 11 (gross) or more dwellings, 30% affordable housing will be sought (preferably on-site). However the National Planning Policy Framework (revised 2019) now states that affordable housing can be sought on major developments - that is, sites of 10 dwellings or more. National policy therefore allows affordable housing to be sought from developments of 10 or more dwellings. This is a material consideration for development management purposes. Following a review of the Council’s position and a decision by the Executive Member for Economy, from 8th April 2020 Adur District Council will use the NPPF threshold of 10 dwellings for seeking affordable housing contributions.
For more details please see the:
First Homes
Adur District Council is currently undertaking a review and update of the Adur Local Plan. This will include planning policy on affordable housing, and will take account of the new First Homes tenure. Prior to this, the Interim Position Statement below sets out the Council’s approach to First Homes. This complements the adopted Adur Local Plan 2017 Policy 21 and Interim Affordable Housing Policy Statement 2020.
Planning Contributions for Infrastructure Provision 2013
An Interim Planning Guidance Note 'Planning Contributions for Infrastructure Provision' was approved by the Council in July 2013 to provide guidance to landowners and developers as to the contributions required towards new infrastructure provision to serve new development.
Until the new Adur Local Plan is adopted in 2015, the Guidance Note will make clear what infrastructure is required to be provided through the saved polices in the 1996 Local Plan and through Government guidance and policies. It expands upon these policies by setting out in detail how developers will be expected to contribute towards the provision of infrastructure (including affordable housing) in association with the development - either on-site or through a contribution to off-site provision. It also makes clear the infrastructure requirements of West Sussex County Council for new development impacting on the services the County is responsible for (including schools, libraries, fire and rescue facilities and transport) although it is advised that direct contact is made with the County Council regarding detailed requirements.
Please note: that the affordable housing threshold referred to in this document has been superseded - please see Adur Interim Affordable Housing Position Statement (above).
A strategy for Shoreham Renaissance
Playing pitch strategy
Interim report
In February 2012 Adur District Council published a report on playing pitch provision in the District. The report provides an overview of the current supply and quality of sports pitches in Adur with reference to current and future demand. The report should be read as an update to the previous (more comprehensive) review of playing pitches that was undertaken in June 2007 and which still has some relevance (see A Playing Pitch Strategy for Adur below).
A Playing Pitch Strategy for Adur
Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council have funded the development of a Playing Pitch Strategy for Adur. This document looks at the provision of playing pitches and highlights deficiencies and opportunities.
Key areas of the study include :
- Analysing the current level and quality of pitch provision in the District
- Providing information for decision-making and future development proposals in Adur
Section 6 identifies priorities for action and key recommendations to carry this work forward.
Design Bulletins
Design Bulletin No 1 - Shopfront Design (1,362KB)
Design Bulletin No 2 - Development Involving Horses in the Countryside (553KB)
Design Bulletin No 3 - Shopfront Security (662KB)
Pond Road Development Brief
This planning brief (non-statutory) has been prepared to guide the redevelopment proposals for a new community hub and health centre at Pond Road, Shoreham-by-Sea. It sets out the main development principles for the design, siting, layout and land use for redevelopment.
Eastbrook Allotments Development Brief
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Page last updated: 30 September 2024