Please note: The Adur Local Plan 2017 was adopted on 14th December 2017 and supersedes the previous Adur District Local Plan 1996.
Go to the current Adur Local Plan 2017
Adur Local Plan - Emerging
See also:
Adur Local Plan Submission 2016
The Adur Local Plan will now be submitted on 20th October 2016. The updated Objectively Assessed Housing Need work (referred to in the text below) has now been received and can be found on our Housing background studies (Adur) page.
It had been intended that the following would be submitted to the Secretary of State (via the Planning Inspectorate) in July 2016:
- representations made during the publication period of the Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) and the Council's accompanying submission documents
- as well as representations received in response to the publication of the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014
However since publication of the 'Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016)' a number of changes have occurred. Firstly, the Government has published 2014 Sub-National Population and Household Projections. These form an important part of the 'Objectively Assessed Need' (OAN) work, which is a vital part of the evidence base for the emerging Local Plan. As a result the OAN work is being updated to take account of this data, and will be published on the Council's website in due course.
Secondly the Housing and Planning Bill has now been enacted. This means that there is greater certainty that initiatives previously proposed (such as Starter Homes) will become a requirement - although further regulations have yet to be published. In addition, a recent Court of Appeal decision has resulted in revised national planning guidance relating to affordable housing thresholds. Both these matters have implications for the affordable housing policy within the Plan. Changes to affordable housing policy will also require updating previous viability work.
As a result, it will be necessary to propose minor modifications to the Local Plan, to update relevant references and to update relevant parts of supporting documents which refer to the OAN and housing shortfall. For these reasons, and the need to update the OAN work, the submission date for the Local Plan has been revised to late September.
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016)
Following publication of the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014 it had been intended that the Local Plan would be submitted in March 2015, following the publication stage and assessment of the representations received. It had been anticipated that the Local Plan would then be submitted to the Secretary of State in March 2015. However, some proposed changes relating to one of the strategic allocations in the Plan, New Monks Farm, were raised in representations to the Council. Following this, amended proposals for the site were submitted to the Council for consideration. A consultation exercise was carried out (see below). Consequently, amendments to the strategic allocation (as well as amendments relating to other matters) have been included within a revised version of the Local Plan, called 'Amendments to the Proposed Adur Local Plan 2016'.
It is intended that this document will be formally published under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. This is to allow representations to be made whether the proposed amendments meet the 'Tests of Soundness' and/or are legally compliant. (The Amendments will be clearly indicated for ease of understanding).
Amendments have been made for the following reasons:
- to reflect changes made to the proposed strategic allocation;
- responses to issues raised in some representations made to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014;
- to reflect new evidence and changes in Government policy since publication of the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014
- and to make corrections and editorial amendments
The Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) will be put before Adur Planning Committee on 8th March 2016, Adur Executive on 10th March 2016, and Full Council on 21st March 2016. The document will then be published for a six-week statutory period, during which representations may be made whether it meets the Tests of Soundness, and/or is legally compliant.
The Plan will be accompanied by:
- a Schedule of Changes
- Policies Map
- updated Sustainability Appraisal and Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- and other documents
These will be made available on the Council's website, as well as locations throughout Adur.
Further information on the formal publication dates, and details as to where the Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) and other documents can be viewed will be made available nearer the time.
Please note that if you submitted representations on the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014, there is no need for these to be resubmitted during this publication period, unless you wish to amend or withdraw the representation in light of the amendments made.
See also: Adur Local Plan (2016)
Next steps
Following the publication period the following will be submitted to the Secretary of State in July:
- Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014
- Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016)
- representations made to both documents
The timetable is anticipated as follows:
- Submission - July 2016
- Hearing - October 2016
- Adoption - Early 2017
Consultation Exercise: Proposed Amendments to New Monks Farm Allocation within the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014
A consultation exercise was recently undertaken (under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012). This was with regard to proposed changes to the strategic allocation at New Monks Farm. The allocation was contained with the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014. Revised proposals for this site were received in response to the formal publication of the Plan. After consideration it appeared appropriate to propose amendments to the allocation, and a consultation exercise was carried out.
Responses to this exercise are available (see below):
A meeting was held with residents of the Withy Patch Travellers Site, the minutes of which can be found below:
Changes to the allocation will be incorporated into the Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) - see above.
See also:
Adur Local Plan 2014 - Publication of Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014
Adur District Council prepared the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014 for publication in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Following agreement at Full Council (09/10/2014), the Plan was made available for representations (20/10/2014 to 5pm 01/12/2014).
To view the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014, the supporting documents and representations received, please go to the Adur Local Plan 2014 webpage.
It had been intended that the Local Plan would be submitted to the Secretary of State in March 2015 with a public examination held in the summer of 2015. However, further work was required to address some issues raised in respect to the strategic allocations. As a result it was not possible to submit the Plan to the Secretary of State in March 2015 as intended.
For further information, please contact the Planning Policy team.
December 2013 - Update
Please note that the consultation on the Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013 has now closed.
The consultation exercise ran from 26th September to 7th November 2013 with a two-week extension for representations.
For further information, and to view the Revised Draft Local Plan 2013 and associated documents, please go to Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013 consultation webpage.
Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013
The Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013 went to the Adur Planning Committee on 2nd September 2013 for comments. It was then presented to the Adur Cabinet on 17th September 2013 with a recommendation for approval to go to consultation.
It was made available for consultation from 26th September - 7th November 2013 with an additional two-week extension for representations. Representations made in response to the Draft Adur Local Plan 2012 were taken account of in drafting the Revised Draft Plan.
A Sustainability Appraisal and Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2013 were also made available for comment at the same time. These documents, associated consultation materials and Background Evidence Document were made available on the Adur planning policy webpages. Copies were also available at locations across Adur.
To view these documents please go to the Revised Draft Adur Local Plan 2013 consultation page.
Draft Adur Local Plan 2012
A Draft Adur Local Plan was made available for consultation from 19th September to 31st October 2012. (See the Draft Adur Local Plan 2012 consultation page). The Council received representations from approximately 290 individuals, organisations, business groups and others. A summary of the main issues raised is available.
Following this a further consultation draft (Regulation 18) version of the Adur Local Plan was produced, for the following reasons:
- The Draft Local Plan consultation held in September and October 2012 proposed options on some key issues including the potential housing target and key strategic development sites, rather than a single, preferred approach.
- Given the number of different options, it was not possible to give much detail on individual sites. A further Draft Local Plan containing a preferred option in terms of strategic site allocations allowed more details to be given in terms of access, infrastructure requirements, precise site boundaries, etc.
- Producing a 'submission' (Regulation 19) version would not allow the public or other stakeholders to comments on the site details, as only the 'Tests of Soundness' can be consulted on at the formal submission stage.
Progress of the Emerging Adur Local Plan
Adur Housing and Employment Options Consultation 2011
A consultation exercise was held from 27th June to 7th August 2011 which looked at options for the level of housing and employment land to be delivered in Adur up to 2028.
(Please note that more up-to-date information on housing requirements may be found in the Duty to Co-operate (Housing) Study 2013 elsewhere on the Adur Local Plan pages).
The following documents explain the key issues and context to the 2011 consultation:
Adur Core Strategy LDF - Housing and Employment Options for consultation - Leaflet and Questionnaire form - View only (1,928KB)
Options technical document (213KB)
The following documents relate to the Sustainability Appraisal:
Scoping Report for the Core Strategy June 2011 (991KB)
Sustainability Appraisal relating to the consultation June 2011 (672KB)
Background to the Adur Local Plan
Since the summer of 2011 there have been a series of reforms to the planning system that have affected the emerging Local Development Framework for Adur.
Following the publication of the Draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in July 2011 (replacing existing Planning Policy Statements), Adur Planning Committee decided to prepare a Local Plan for the District rather than a Core Strategy.
In addition, as a fundamental part of the drive towards 'localism' the Government is seeking to enable communities (via Parish Councils or Neighbourhood Forums) to prepare Neighbourhood Plans for their area. These will be in addition to, rather than replacing the Development Plan Documents prepared by the statutory local planning authorities. Further details on the Localism Act and potential changes to the planning system can be found on the Department for Communities and Local Government - on the website.
The Adur Local Plan will provide a clear strategy for development in Adur (excluding that part which lies within the South Downs National Park) up to 2031 and form the context for future neighbourhood planning in Adur. It will set out the vision and objectives for the district, place-based site specific policies (including site allocations) and development management policies. The Adur Local Plan will be consistent with national policy, and will form the foundation for any future Neighbourhood Plans prepared by local communities in Adur.
Which area does the Adur Local Plan cover?
In April 2011 the South Downs National Park Authority came into being, following the designation of the National Park on 31st May 2010. It is now the Local Planning Authority for the National Park area which extends across 15 local authorities including Adur District. The National Park is developing its own Local Plan.
Adur District Council's Local Plan can therefore only relate to those areas of Adur District which lie outside the National Park. It includes the built-up areas of Lancing, Sompting, Shoreham-by-Sea, Southwick and Fishersgate. The majority of Adur District's housing, employment, facilities and services lie within this area.
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Page last updated: 30 July 2024