Adur new sites (small sites programme)

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Welcome to Adur Homes' new sites programme where you can learn more about our development proposals for sites across the district.


Adur Homes has more than 800 people on its waiting list in need of housing and urgently needs to find sites for affordable housing development.

Following a review of council owned land, we identified several small sites, many of which are blocks of garages, which have the potential to be redeveloped.

Our architects produced bespoke plans for each site, and during summer 2020 we carried out an online public consultation on the initial proposals. We also had further discussions with planning officers and carried out surveying work.

Good progress is being made (see below), and we are grateful for the feedback received so far and we have used it to help refine our plans.

For more information please also see our questions and answers.

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The sites: the plans and progress on site

You can find out about the progress on site for the following locations:

Regular updates on the progress of our small sites programme will also be posted on the:

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Q&As (questions and answers)

Why does the council want to develop these sites?

There are over 700 households on the council's waiting list and there is an urgent need for new affordable homes.

The council has a programme of building new affordable housing, wherever possible, on sites it already owns.

Following a review of garage sites and other small sites across the district this short list of sites which could be developed was drawn up.

What is wrong with the garages as they are?

The garages are out of date, some are in a poor condition and in many cases are used for storage as they are too small for modern cars.

What type of housing is proposed and who will live there?

The proposals vary from site to site and are for a range of 2 and 3-bed houses and 1 and 2-bed flats and bungalows. Some homes will be suitable for people with mobility problems.

Who will live there?

The homes will be for local people on the council's housing register.

Who will manage the affordable housing?

The housing will be owned and managed by Adur Homes.

What will happen to people renting garages at the moment?

There will be some alternative garages available and these will be allocated according to priority.

What will the new homes look like?

They will be modern design of traditional materials - brick with tiled roofs and uPVC windows.

Images of similar homes are shown on the individual site pages.

Will they have car parking?

The new homes will have allocated parking spaces built as part of the development, so residents will not need to park on the existing estate.

Will there be any replacement parking?

For some of the sites we have managed to provide some additional parking for existing residents, and we are interested to hear whether this is needed, or whether green spaces could be an alternative.

Will the building work be disruptive?

We will appoint contractors who are used to working on small sites near existing residents. They will be required to provide a plan showing how they will organise their deliveries and building work to minimise disruption.

How will you keep us informed of progress?

We will place regular updates on this webpage, along with letters to residents.

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Page last updated: 28 May 2024

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