Open data: Data transparency: Datasets (Local Government Transparency Code 2014)
Adur & Worthing Councils are committed to being open and transparent about how we work, our decision-making processes and the services provided. As part of this commitment the Councils publish the following relevant data to increase democratic accountability and to comply with the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.
The aim of open data in the public sector is to increase transparency across Government and allow anyone, whether businesses, individuals, charities and community groups to re-use public sector information. The Government is leading the way by publishing a large amount of data from many public sector bodies, see Open data on the GOV.UK website, and also showcasing applications that have been created using the information available.
Use of our published data
On this page we link to pages and reports containing data which is available in electronic format for you to re-use on your own website, in an application you create or for any other use you have in mind. All data listed below is released under the open government licence, usage of the data is subject to the conditions of this licence. Please read and agree to the licence before you use any of the data listed below. All we ask is that you credit Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council as the source of the data as per the terms of the licence.
If you do reuse the data below, send us an e-mail letting us know what you've done or how you have used it, we may then link to what you have done.
The following datasets are available for use
(listed alphabetically in each section, and on this page)
Information currently available:
On other pages on our website:
Coming soon:
Other datasets in other formats:
Data in RSS/XML format:
See also:
Data in other formats or on webpages:
Twitter and Facebook:
Other datasets or information on our website:
Other datasets or information on other external websites:
- Details coming soon
See also:
Government Procurement Card transactions
- The Councils do not use Government Procurement Cards.
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
See also:
Grants: Coronavirus grants from the UK Government
You will see part of the documents have been replaced with the word [redacted]. Redactions have been applied in accordance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA). The Council believes that any detailed information would be personal data as defined by Section 3(2) of the DPA as it relates to "any information relating to an identified or identifiable living individual". Therefore the information you requested is personal data as described in section 40(2)(a) of the FOIA. More information about this exemption can be found on the Freedom of Information Act 2000 section of the website.
Mandatory Grants:
- Adur - Small Business Grant Fund (SBGF) or Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF) grants (50KB)
- Worthing - Small Business Grant Fund (SBGF) or Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF) grants (78KB)
- Adur - CBLP (17KB)
- Worthing - CBLP (35KB)
- Worthing - Closed Tier 2 (4KB)
- Adur - LRSG Closed CD (3KB)
- Worthing - LRSG Jan 5th (37KB)
- Adur - LRSG Feb 16th (17KB)
- Worthing - LRSG Feb 16th (36KB)
- Adur - LRSG Lockdown 2 (15KB)
- Worthing - LRSG Lockdown 2 (33KB)
- Adur - Lockdown 3 Jan 5th (17KB)
- Worthing - LRSG Open Disc (4KB)
- Adur - LRSG Open Mand (4KB)
- Worthing - LRSG Open Mand (5KB)
- Adur - LRSG Tier 4 (15KB)
- Worthing - LRSG Tier 4 (33KB)
- Adur - WLP CD (4KB)
- Worthing - WLP CD (5KB)
Discretionary grants:
Local Authority land - Details of all land and building assets
Please note: The two files below have been temporarily updated (11th September 2023) but are in a different temporary format to the Transparency Code requirements. The lists are currently being fully updated and will be added again once updated, and will also be amended to the correct format:
- Local Authority Land and building assets - Adur (19KB)
- Local Authority Land and building assets - Worthing (27KB)
In the meantime, if you have any queries please email:
Organisation chart covering staff in the top three levels of the organisation
and Senior Management salaries
Organisation chart:
Senior Management salaries:
Current salary information:
See also:
Parking information
Parking account:
- This information is currently being reviewed and updated
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) - Parking account and parking spaces:
See also:
Gender Pay Gap
Gender pay reporting legislation requires employers with 250 or more employees to publish statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees.
The gender pay gap is calculated as the difference between the average hourly earnings of men and women, looking at whether there are more males or females in higher paid roles overall.
This is not the same as Equal Pay, which looks at whether men and women in the same or broadly similar job are being paid the same.
The gender pay gap is about the difference in pay overall between men and women across a whole organisation.
- Adur District Council has more than 250 employees, so it is required by law to publish an annual gender pay gap report
- As Worthing Borough Council has less than 250 employees, it is not required to publish an annual gender pay gap report
- The majority of staff employed in the Adur & Worthing Councils Joint Services are employed by Adur District Council
The Pay Gap Report is available below:
Pay multiple (Pay Policy Statements)
The Pay Policy Statements are a statutory requirement under Section 38 (1) of the Localism Act 2011. The statements are approved by the Councils and will be updated on an annual basis.
The Pay Policy Statements 2021/22 for the two Councils are as follows:
The Pay Policy Statements 2020/21 for the two Councils are as follows:
- Adur Council - 22nd July 2021 - Item 8 (C/19/21-22)
- Worthing Council - 20th July 2021 - Item 9 (C/21/21-22)
The Pay Policy Statements 2019/20 for the two Councils are as follows:
- Adur Council - 31st October 2019 - Item 9 (c/32/19-20)
- Worthing Council - 22nd October 2019 - Item 9 (C/35/19-20)
The Pay Policy Statements 2018/19 for the two Councils are as follows:
The Pay Policy Statements 2017/18 for the two Councils are as follows:
The Pay Policy Statements 2016/17 for the two Councils are as follows:
The Pay Policy Statements 2015/16 for the two Councils are as follows:
See also:
Procurement information and tenders
Details of every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £5,000.
Details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000.
See also:
- Purchasing, procurement and tendering
- Council Contract Register
Public sector apprenticeship duty
Councils are required to publish the information contained in part 1 of the return (ie the data section) on their website. Please see the files below for details:
- Public sector apprenticeship duty - Adur DC - 2021-22 (197KB)
- Public sector apprenticeship duty - Adur DC - 2020-21 (197KB)
- Public sector apprenticeship duty - Adur DC - 2019-20 (194KB)
- Public sector apprenticeship duty - Adur DC - 2018-19 (135KB)
- Public sector apprenticeship duty - Adur DC - 2017-18 (135KB)
The majority of staff employed in the Adur & Worthing Councils are employed by Adur District Council.
Social Housing Asset value
Trade Union facility time
- Details coming soon
Waste contracts
- The Councils operate an in-house waste and recycling collection service
See also:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Open data / Data transparency
Faulty webpage?
Page last updated: 18 September 2023