Statement of Accounts
The Statement of Accounts are the council's published audited accounts which summarise the income and expenditure for a particular financial year, showing the position at 31st March.
The contents are entirely prescribed by statute, subject to audit by auditors appointed by the Audit Commission and published annually.
The salaries of the chief executive and senior staff ('remuneration' of employees earning £50,000 or more) are included in the Statements of Accounts below - search (Ctrl F) for the word 'remuneration' in the documents below (see also Senior Management structure, councillors'/members' allowances and open data).
Due to new Accounts and Audit regulations, from 2015/16 onwards, Adur & Worthing Councils are no longer required to produce a Joint Statement of Accounts.
However, both councils must produce their Statement of Accounts accompanied by a declaration signed by the responsible financial officer. This declaration is attached below with the two sets of Statement of Accounts.
Further information regarding the Statement of Accounts may be obtained by contacting the chief accountant.
Each year Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council are subject to audit by external auditors appointed by the Audit Commission. The extent of the audit is determined by statute. It is a requirement that the Annual Audit Letter is published. You can also find these below.
See also: Notice of Audit of Accounts
Current Statement of Accounts
The Statement of Accounts provides valuable information about how the councils have used the financial resources available to them. The reports are required by law and set out in concise form various statutory and other relevant information.
Adur DC - Auditor Independent Report 2023-24 (4,166KB)
Worthing BC - Auditor Independent Report 2023-24 (4,094KB)
Previous Statement of Accounts
Adur DC Statement of Accounts 2021-22 (9,146KB)
Worthing BC Statement of Accounts 2021-22 (10,193KB)
Adur DC - Auditor Independent Report 2021-22 (2,531KB)
Worthing BC - Auditor Independent Report 2021-22 (2,507KB)
Adur DC - Auditor Independent Report 2020-21 (3,894KB)
Worthing BC - Auditor Independent Report 2020-21 (3,877KB)
Adur DC - Auditor Independent Report 2019-20 (3,788KB)
Worthing BC - Auditor Independent Report 2019-20 (3,773KB)
Adur DC Statement of Accounts 2018-19 (2,236KB)
- (page 29 contains a simple table of income and expenditure)
Worthing BC Statement of Accounts 2018-19 (2,453KB)
- (page 29 contains a simple table of income and expenditure)
Adur DC - Auditor Independent Report 2018-19 (6,107KB)
Worthing BC - Auditor Independent Report 2018-19 (6,121KB)
For older documents please contact the Financial Services Team.
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Financial Services
Page last updated: 25 February 2025