Maps and Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) (facts and figures)
Maps showing LSOAs
Maps are available for Adur and Worthing showing all wards and Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs):
Note: the map should show LSOA and wards layers automatically - but if they don't show on the map then once the map has loaded you will need to turn on the 'fuel poverty (LSOA)' layer and also the 'Adur & Worthing Ward Boundaries' layer (under 'boundaries')
About Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs)
The whole of England is divided up into 'Lower Super Output Areas':
- LSOAs are made up of about 1,000 people
- each electoral ward in England is divided up into LSOAs
- wards vary in size greatly across England so the number of LSOAs within them also varies
- in Adur and Worthing wards are however of a fairly similar population size and so the number of LSOAs in them does not vary greatly:
- for each of the wards in Adur and Worthing there are two to six LSOAs
- the average number of LSOAs in each ward for Adur and Worthing is three
- the boundaries of LSOAs match up to those of wards
- LSOAs are allocated a number and not a name
- statistics, eg those for deprivation, are available down to LSOA level in many cases
Maps showing LSOAs for the districts and boroughs in West Sussex are available on the West Sussex JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) website that West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and West Sussex NHS oversee.
You can use the link below to access them, then look under the 'Publications' tab at the top of the screen and choose 'Adur and Worthing' in the tick boxes on the left-hand side of the screen. Once in the maps you can zoom in and out using the tool bar at the top of the screen. You can see the road names when you zoom in.
See also:
- Maps showing all wards and Lower Super Output Areas (above)
- West Sussex JSNA website - Area profiles
For more information please contact:
- Noel Hatch, Assistant Director for People and Change
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Communities and Wellbeing
Page last updated: 14 October 2024